
DrunkQuest: Wastedlands

Created by Jasn Painter

DrunkQuest is back, bringing awesome new ways to level your party up!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Delay.
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 06:22:13 AM

  Hey all,

I know updates have lagged. Behind the scenes we've been caught in the shipping issues that seem to be effecting everyone else. For those unaware...

I initially thought we'd avoid it as most of the Kickstarter items have already arrived (Shot Glasses, Bottle Openers, Playmats, Coolers, etc.) and our invoice from the manufacturer on the games themselves included a shipping quote. But that has not been the case. We were given the same options I've heard most publishers are getting. 

A) Pay extreme price hikes to get it here on time.

B) Wait an insane 200+ days for the queue to clear.

What we're working towards now is a hybrid solution. The idea being to fly the number of copies needed to fulfill the KS and wait on the others. I had hoped to have that plan finalized by the end of July but figuring out the logistics of it, namely who is responsible for storage of the excess games while the shipping queue clears is where we've been stuck. 

I will provide another update when I know what we'll do. We do not have the funds to pay the price hike without it then effecting shipping rewards to you. So its a bit of a rock and a hard place. 

I know this sucks, I apologize, the silver lining is everything is printed and ready. It's just also stuck in another country. 

May Update
almost 3 years ago – Fri, May 21, 2021 at 11:42:18 AM

Hey all,

No news is good news this month as we continue to move towards delivery! We're in the "proof" phase of most of the rewards, making adjustments as needed. Here's a quick look at where we are on a couple of rewards...


They're coming along nicely though we're still working on getting more contrast/detail into the grey areas. We'll post more pictures once the design is finalized.


These have also undergone a few iterations during manufacturing. We're going to be producing them in silicone which allows us to do a few things. Besides being durable and spill-proof as well as dishwasher safe. The material allows us to add embossing to the design, here's an example of the material followed by a mockup of 1 of the DrunkQuest coasters...

This is the final design after a few back and forths with the manufacturer. We've been trying to push the quality of materials we can use to make DrunkQuest's final batch of extras its best!

We'll continue to update as new stuff gets finalized or arrives. Our coolers should be here in a couple of weeks, we'll post images with our June update.

Thanks everyone, and see you next month!

April Update
about 3 years ago – Sun, Apr 04, 2021 at 11:02:50 PM

Hello again everyone and welcome to our April update! As stated last month I wanted to talk about the new Wastedlands Steins a bit this month. We've just sent the last changes over to finalize the mold. I was hoping to have a fully detailed stein to show off for the update but like I said in February. This particular stein has been a learning experience as we're creating it from scratch rather than customizing an existing glass.  First, let's take a look at the current sculpt...

 You can click the thumbnail for a much larger image. I've shopped out the sculpting "lip" on the first 4 images but left it on the last 2 to show what was being covered up. The added lip is part of the base sculpt and will be removed for the final mold. The sculpt is also larger than the final will be by 15%

Here's a reminder of what the final coloring will look like. There will be two primary colors, a grey for the metal and a brown for the wood. Then two separate washes (in dark grey/brown) will be applied to highlight detail and add aging. 

When we first announced the Wastedlands stein the plan was plastic for the material. But the more we talked about this being our last stein the more we wanted to go out big.  So we'll be casting them in traditional stoneware with a multi-wash finish and date stamped on the bottom. Fancy, I know.

Because of their material, these will be ultra-limited. We're producing just enough for our backers with some extras to account for accidents along the way so if you've got one coming, they'll definitely be collectible! 

Lastly this month I wanted to show off the finished artwork for the Fux Force Five. This boozter pack will focus on using the existing Fux cards in Wastedlands as a resource to trigger effects! Here's an example of two of the cards...

In addition to the 5 elite Fux's, the boozter also includes 6 additional non-elite fux to help grow their numbers within the Monster deck!

Next month should be a quick update as we move into waiting for delivery to prepping for shipping. Until then, if you have any questions or need assistance updating your address please reach out and we'll get it taken care of. Thanks again all, and see you next month! 

February Update
about 3 years ago – Mon, Mar 01, 2021 at 11:35:18 PM

Hello all, and welcome to the end of February! This month has been focused on finalizing our Boozters and packaging for print. That being said we have an update on shipping dates now that our manufacturers have given us timelines.

Shipping will start in July

Now that we’re getting our arrival dates, they vary from the beginning of May to the end of June so shipping proper will start in July. If we manage to get everything early of course shipping will start early but to be safe, let's plan for July. One of our leading stragglers is from an unlikely source, the steins. They ended up being a learning process as with our previous steins we customized existing products and this time we are doing a full custom mold. There was a lot of back and forth on the design to make it functional, sturdy and to bring it in line with market standards for lip circumference, handle thickness etc. etc. I’ll save the rest of the details for our March update which will be stein-focused.

This month I wanted to show off the contents of a few more Boozter packs. Namely, our Infinity Goblet, Potable Armory as well as the Mega Pack which has been renamed the Ultra Boozter for simplicity. Let’s start with the Ultra Boozter. We’ve packed over 50 cards into this one and each has been touched up with all the same changes coming to the other DrunkQuest releases. Some you’ve already seen like updating the Boats from 90 Proof or the Bosses across all our games. But there’s plenty of new in the Ultra Boozter as well, lets take a look.

Some of the cards will be duplicated like the reworked “Money Family” combo cards. Similar to the Arr,Garr,Yarr pirate family in 90 Proof these cards combo off each other. There will be 4 copies of each in the Boozter. We also went card by card and tried to simplify or update their effects and abilities with the intention of making them viable options more often. You'll also note we're attempting one last print of our superhero promos. 

Next is the Potable Armory. This Boozter is all Artifacts.

You'll notice a new type of drink reduction. Rather than just reducing from Monsters the weapons found in Potable reduce drinks from All Sources, protecting completely from lower drink giving instants!

Lastly, the Infinity Goblet Boozter is a little different. These cards get mixed into the Treasure deck as normal but change on use. Let’s take a look at a few first…

When an Infinity Goblet card is played the player reveals the card then takes the required number of drinks before setting it next to the discard pile. Each Infinity Goblet adds to the last, accumulating in both required drinks and total rewards.

So in the example above. Player X wants to use their Infinity Goblet Treasure that lets them take 1 Drink for 1 Treasure. But because 3 other Infinity Goblet cards have been previously played they must take the total drink value of all of them which is 13. But in return that player gains all of their rewards, +3 Treasure, They trigger their realm ability and get to steal an Artifact from another player! Once played that Infinity Goblet card is then added to the row to be included with the next players Goblet!

That's it for February. We'll see you guys at the end of March where we'll be showing off the Stein as well as our last Boozter Fux Force Five! Backerkit is closed now so if you haven't locked your survey expect to be pinged weekly by them as they try to collect the last bit of info from everyone. And as always if you're stuck or run into issues on the site please let me know!

January Update: Status Effects
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 08:55:19 PM

We did guys, we survived 2020. We're at the end of January now and as promised, Here's the first of the monthly updates leading up to Delivery! This month we wanted to spotlight our very first Boozter pack. When we first introduced them in 2012 during our first campaign they were an instant hit adding variety and some silliness to an already awesome game.  We added a second Status Effects Boozter with 90 Proof Seas but with the Wastedlands update, we decided to combine them both into a single pack. We also refreshed each of them to bring them with easier to understand rules, more varied effects, and a refreshed look. With that in mind, here are the updated Status Effects. Note the Boozter pack will come with 3 copies of Cleanse.

 Each card is drawn from the Treasure deck and can be played on any player and act similar to Artifacts once played.

When played, the target player must follow the Status Effects rule or be forced to drink! Again, once in play Status Effects are treated like Artifacts and can be removed or stolen with either a Cleanse card or any Artifact affecting Treasure.

 Multiple Status Effects can be played on the same player making for some very interesting player interactions. 

And finally, I wanted to make sure everyone saw that the Bakerkit charge has finally gone through. There were still around 32 surveys unanswered or finalized left after the charge so if you never received a notification or are running into any other issues with Backerkit please let me know!

Any other questions or concerns can also be commented on below. Welcome to 2021 everyone, see you again in Feb!